Garden Reflection
fransfairgarden.com In this twilight zone of COVID, homesteading and self reliance for food and beauty of life has surged. It is not...
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My Blog is a personal reflection of my experience and thoughts written and edited solely by me. You can expect my complete honesty regarding any product or subject presented. I will opt out of publishing any review if I cannot give a fair and honest opinion.
At times I may accept forms of compensation for my opinion, advertising, sponsorships, or review of products and services. I will tell you up front in my posts when compensation is involved.
I will only endorse companies, products, or services that I have had direct use of or experienced personally. Any and all product or service claims should be verified with the manufacturer or direct merchant.
Any questions regarding the above policies can be directed to me, Fran, fransfairgarden@gmail.com
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